Manual Personalization

Each manual are programmed with the following Company Data.
  • Company LOGO
  • Company Name
  • Active e-mails
  • Company manuals web access
  • Company forms web access
NOTE: This is a partial List.

Template Only

The Template only Manuals are Framemaker formatted blank manuals ready for data input.
  • Operations Specifications (OS) - The FAA will initially provide a list of the necessary Ops Specs needed for Certification. These lists will be added to each OS template TOC. The actual Ops Specs data will be entered in the future when the FAA creates the Ops Spec data.
  • Aircraft Operating Manual (AOMv1, AOMv2) - This template is formatted with the required tags and sections. The source data from the Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) manuals will be converted and entered into each section.
  • MEL/CDL (MEL) - This template is formatted with the required tags and sections. The source data from the Master Mininum Equipment List (MMEL) will be converted and entered into each section.
  • Maintenance Program (CAMP) - This template is formatted with the required tags and sections. The source data from the Airplane Maintenance Manual (AMM) will be entered into four excel spreadsheets by the SME.

CFR References

Each manual will have an Index with every CFR reference with page location. The CFR index has active links directly to the location of the CFR in the manuals text.

Active Manual Links

The manuals swill have the following active links
  • Master TOC to Chapter
  • Chapter TOC to Section
  • LEP to listed page number
  • Index of References to referenced CFR
  • To all e-mail references

Manual Inventory

The following Table shows the current manual inventory. All of the listed manuals are formatted in FrameMaker.